Looking back at the match I played yesterday, I realised that I didn't bother to fight back at all. Not one bit. I just let point after point slide past me and even laughed the match off when we lost. After the tenacity thing that coach was talking about, you'd think I would be all pumped up for the match. But I wasn't. To me, it was just another match against just another school in just another competition where you win some, you lose some. Oh well, it was fun though. Haha. Those nanyang girls were NICE. :) And I was smiling all the way.
Nevermind. I'll strive harder if I ever get the chance to play again. XD
if its spelt like that
I totally love tennis
By the way, For those interested to know, the competition was held at some ulu place in jurong where kelly and I had to walk for roughly half an hour before reaching an mrt station. And we were both rationing water because we each had a teeny tiny precious bit of water left. Then kelly smartly stepped into mud.
And we sat in the mrt train for the next 18 or so stops